
Mustafa Sarwari

Mustafa is a qualified Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) who strives to make a positive impact towards the clients under his care by ensuring nutritional adequacy through the provision of medical nutrition therapy.

What does a dietitian do?

Dietitians at Supernova Medical help treat a wide range of conditions including diabetes, heart disease, cancers, gastrointestinal diseases, food allergies, food intolerance’s, disordered eating as well as overweight and obesity. Key services offered by us are as follows,

  • Assess nutritional needs
  • Develop personalised eating plans that consider medical conditions and personal circumstances
  • Provide nutrition counselling and support to individuals and groups
  • Provide information on healthy eating, shopping for food, eating out and preparing food at home
  • Undertake nutrition and food research
  • Train health care professionals
  • Develop nutrition communications, programs and policies
  • Provide consultancy services to corporate organisations, food manufacturers, schools and health care facilities